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Late Availability Wedding Offers

Every now and again we offer significant, one-time-only savings on late dates. Inglewood Manor and our team of expert wedding coordinators are always on hand to help create your dream wedding and help put the last-minute plans together with you. Enquire now about our late-availability offers.

LRE Full Day Experience for 2

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LRE Full Day Experience for 2


An opportunity for two people to spend a day driving off road. It is not a training course, although, again, you will be accompanied by an instructor.

Lunch is included in this experience at our 2010 Brassiere (£20 per person allowance)

Whether you are looking for an insight into vehicle manufacturing, the opportunity to drive the world’s most capable vehicles, or a combination of the two; our activities offer unforgettable experiences! You will wade through deep waters, take on steep inclines and strenuous obstacles.

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