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Late Availability Wedding Offers

Every now and again we offer significant, one-time-only savings on late dates. Inglewood Manor and our team of expert wedding coordinators are always on hand to help create your dream wedding and help put the last-minute plans together with you. Enquire now about our late-availability offers.

LRE Half Day Experience for 3

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LRE Half Day Experience for 3


An opportunity to drive a vehicle with three occupants off road. It is not a training course. Although you will be accompanied by an instructor at all times, his role will be to keep you safe and help you get the best out of your experience.

Whether you are looking for an insight into vehicle manufacturing, the opportunity to drive the world’s most capable vehicles, or a combination of the two; our activities offer unforgettable experiences! You will wade through deep waters, take on steep inclines and strenuous obstacles.

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